Nolan Yoshihara

Public Relations

Year: Junior
Major: Literature – Creative Writing Concentration
Hobbies: Hanging with friends, collecting music, writing poetry, being weird
Hey kiddos, My name is Nolan Shizuo Yoshihara. I’m one of the Public Relations officers for JSA.
I’ve been going to JSA’s events since it was formed spring quarter 2009, and I’ve been an officer since fall quarter 2010.  I’m really glad I’m getting to see this club grow, mature, and expand during my time here at UCSC, and I hope I’ll continue to be able to be a part in making it all happen.  Since becoming a part of JSA, I’ve made so many friends among our international students, our officers, our club members, and others connected to JSA.
I really feel that I’m part of a community that is worth promoting awareness about, as we have a very small Japanese population on the UCSC campus (though, let me tell you, it looks big when crammed into a small house) and they deserve to be represented as an equal part of the UCSC student body. Not only that, but I believe that the part of our student body that is interested in Japanese society and Japanese culture should be represented as well, especially considering the significant cuts that are happening to the academic Language Program, affecting students who both are required to take Japanese language classes for their major, as well as students who want to take the classes simply out of a desire or interest in them. We are glad to be your voice.
Please contact me through email or add me on Facebook if you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can make JSA a community that you feel welcome and enjoy being in. See you around ^<>^